
What is the correct command using brace expansions to create multiple directories?

th flag

Could I use the following command to create multiple directories?:

mkdir ~/backups/freemem/{backups/diskuse,backups/openlist,backups/freedisk}


mkdir ~/backups/freemem/{/backups/diskuse/,/backups/openlist/,/backups/freedisk/}
us flag

Assuming ~/backups/freemem/backups is an existing directory, both will work, since ~/backups/freemem//backups/diskuse/ and ~/backups/freemem/backups/diskuse are the same as far as mkdir is concerned. But why not simplify that?

mkdir ~/backups/freemem/backups/{diskuse,openlist,freedisk}

If ~/backups/freemem/backups doesn't exist yet, then neither will work. You need mkdir -p instead to create missing directories in the hierarchy.


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