Playing YouTube videos on my Ubuntu desk top it forever BUFFERING (that semi circle going around and around on a black screen) every 2 mins, some videos after 1 min. Then a screen comes up with a box on the bottom right end corner SKIP AD. I click it and the video plays normally for 1 or 2 mins. Then that black screen with the buffering semi circle comes up again. Next to me I have my Android cell phone and the Pad also Android. Nothing of what I described above happens; both devices play the videos normally and after a while an advert comes up, that I have the option to SKIP AD. Can I "unload", "delete" YouTube and reload it again? See the screenshot of that occurrence.
EDIT 1: Thanks for the reply Graham. Ubuntu 20. With latest update. In FIREFOX I click the YT icon. The video plays and after a while (sometimes 1min, other times 3 mins) video stops, black screen with the buffering semi circle goes on for +/- 15 secs, then a screen like the one of the screen shot comes up with a icon bottom right SKIP AD. ID=ubuntu
EDIT 2: Thanks for your time Raffa: Did TOP, waited 2 min and RDD never come up FF = 116.0.3 (64-bit)
EDIT 3: Thanks for your time vidario. AdBlocker Ultimate + Clear Cash + DuckDuckGo Private Essentials. I have been using this set up for ages since Ubuntu 14 or so, no problems with YT until 2 days ago when what I reported started to happen evey time I play any YT video. As I mentioned above, on my cell and Pad Android, YT runs as before: plays the video and once in a while the add plays and an option to STOP AD.
EDIT 4: Thomas Ward, I appreciate your time, but I don't understand the comment. What is MTU for WiFi? Sorry my ignorance. I am just a simple user.
EDIT 5: Panigrahi, thanks for your time. I tried that, run many video and same results.