
i am unable to get latest version of ubuntu 22.04.3 iso. can i get a bootable stick for dual installation along with windows11

mp flag

I am unable to download latest version. can i get boot-stick with latest version of linux release22.04.3 for dual installation with windows11.

Terrance avatar
id flag
We are going to tell you to download the ISO and create the USB on your own. But, you could maybe try a friend and have them download it for you. Canonical used sell it on a disc or on USB, but they no longer have the store. You can always look around at other places like eBay, etc. but you will need to take those with a grain of salt since you will not know if they manipulated the USB or not.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
You've not given any clues as to why you're unable to download the ISO (*its only a file though rather large*), which is available at many sites (*if you're having trouble with a specific site*), ie. Ubuntu 22.04 is the 2022-April release; thus is **not** the latest (22.10 & 23.04 are both newer!), with 22.04.3 being the **latest respin* of the older 22.04 system. 22.04 is the *latest* LTS release of Ubuntu though.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
Does this answer your question? [How do I install Ubuntu?](
karel avatar
sa flag
Does this answer your question? [Can't Download an ISO]( The accepted answer was edited from an [older revision 2]( that explains the process of downloading the Ubuntu 22.04.3 iso from Ubuntu.

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