
What cause ''/etc/lsb-release' modified? And how to reproduce it

br flag

I observed the below prompt one day when my script is running 'dpkg --configure -a'

 Configuration file '/etc/lsb-release'
  ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
  ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
    What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
     Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
     N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
       D     : show the differences between the versions
 The default action is to keep your current version.

I made some changes to handle this prompt on my script and would like to test it. However, this error is no longer seen after I manually resolve it.

Anyway I could reproduce this so I could test my script?

us flag
It depends on what your script did. It is always safe to keep the default version.
guiverc avatar
cn flag
That file IS EXPECTED TO CHANGE for LTS releases, but is NOT EXPECTED TO CHANGE for non-LTS (there are exceptions here though; *artful* or 17.10 changed to 17.10.1 early in its cycle). Refer where you'll note it's part of `base-files` where shows the ISO release of 22.04.3, but installed systems upgraded in the week before ISO release (*as is normal though it can occur weeks too before*).
guiverc avatar
cn flag shows the change(s) for 22.04 for that file... which occur for all *architectures* and not just *amd64* as per my prior comment's link (*filelist*)
waltinator avatar
it flag
Make a change to `/etc/lsb-release`, and force reconfiguration of which ever package caused tge message. See `--reconfigure` in `man dpkg`.
Jeff Pang avatar
br flag
@waltinator I modified `/etc/lsb-release` then ran `dpkg --configure -a`, however no prompt is shown
Marco avatar
br flag
The package (in your case "base-files") is not unpacked on `dpkg --configure`, thus the file is not written, no detection.
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