
Programmatically add value to multi-valued/repeater field at weight/index

cn flag

In Drupal 8, I have a content type and more than a few nodes that have a Paragraph field with unlimited number of values, and so I need to programmatically add a paragraph at an index to the existing values in the field. I know in the form editor widget I'm able to add a field value then drag the field to the order that I need, or change the weight then save the content.

I'm currently loading the node and appending the value like so

    $paragraph_node = Paragraph::create($fields);

    $node = Node::load($nid);

        'target_id' => $paragraph_node->id(),
        'target_revision_id' => $paragraph_node->getRevisionId(),


but this only adds the value at the end, how would I be able to add this with a weight?

in flag

You can get the field values as an array and then use array_splice to insert your new value where you want it. See Insert new item in array on any position in PHP.

$values = $node->get('field_paragraph_repeater')->getValue();
$addition = [
  'target_id' => $paragraph_node->id(),
  'target_revision_id' => $paragraph_node->getRevisionId(),
$addition_index = 3;

// Insert the new value into your $values array.
array_splice($values, $addition_index, 0, [$addition]);

// Set the value on your node and save.
$node->set('field_paragraph_repeater', $values);

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