
Status: 500 Internal Server Error

br flag

I run /path/to/drush/drush status from the shell just fine, but if I run it from a script called from cron I get this error.

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

This implies that PHP CGI is being called rather than CLI. It looks like an environment issue. How do I resolve it?

Running Drush with --debug gives the same result (no extra output from Drush). The cron user is the same as the shell user; the OS is Linux.

cn flag
Might be a long shot, but certain config files, like `~/.bash_profile`, aren't sourced for cron jobs, so I'd check whether the path to PHP and/or drush is being provided to your shell user via an export in one of those files. That might explain the difference in PHP versions. If that is the problem, `~/.profile` is usually always processed for cron jobs, so you can add appropriate `PATH` exports in there
Jaypan avatar
de flag
What's the error?
jons avatar
br flag
Using a different full path for drush worked, but then I ran into need to set trusted_host_patterns in settings.php to include the hosters `hostname`. So drush still running in CGI rather than CLI mode when called from cron. I think my hoster is using php8 by default, but Drupal is set to 7.3 in .htaccess, but I'm not aware this would make a difference.

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