
Add own host to replicaSet hosted with cloud provider with limited access?

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So I have this mongoDB (3.0.x) replicaSet hosted with a cloud provider called "NodeChef".

To my knowledge, and scouring the documentation, I have no access at all to the underlying host(s).

I want to add a host which I fully manage on my own to said replica set. I already contacted NodeChef support and asked for the "full set of credentials" needed for this operation. They answered that I should already have everything needed and that they know of customers running such a configuration.

Now, ideally this solution would work for X.509 authentication, but I would settle for storedKey (SCRAM-SHA1), if that is any easier.

Problem in the X.509 case: For all I know, I will have to have a certificate (private key) which matches the certificate on the existing hosts in both O's and signing CA. I can download the public key file for the CA, so I know this is LetsEncrypt. Connecting to the cluster using openssl s_client instead of mongo client gives me the following:

subject=/CN=* issuer=/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3 --- Acceptable client certificate CA names /O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3 /C=US/O=Internet Security Research Group/CN=ISRG Root X1 /C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=R3

I think I could craft a signing request for that, but I can see no way how to get that signed by the appropriate authority.

Problem in the keyFile case: I have no idea where to get the shared secret which needs to go into the keyfile, despite the support agent telling me I have access to all secrets needed.

I added the new host to the replicaSet according to this documentation:

The error message I get in the storedKey case is always:

I ACCESS [conn2119] SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed for __system on local from client ; AuthenticationFailed SCRAM-SHA-1 authentication failed, storedKey mismatch

The rs is running mongoDB 3.0.x. The new host is running in a docker image of mongo:3.0.x on an aws ec2 instance. Would be grateful for any pointers.

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Answering my own question: Contacting support again, got a possible solution for both:

Hi Torge,

You will not be able to use the NodeChef SSL certificate in this case. You will have to create your own custom SSL certificate and we can install it on the NodeChef replica set. The alternative is to disable SSL.

For the keyfile authentication which will be required, we can easily provide you the keyfile since it is specific to only your instance.


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