
why am I getting error for nginx?

cn flag

I have installed a new ubuntu and new nginx. However, I am created a nginx.conf file inside my website project folder and created a sym link as below

ln -s <project>/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/site-enabled

Now, when I restart my nginx server, it failed and I saw below error in my error.log file.

 open() "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/nginx.conf" failed (40: Too many levels of symbolic links) in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:62

As per my understanding, no matter the location where the nginx.conf file resides, if the sym link has been created to site-enabled then there shouldn't be any issue. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Or how should I fix this issue.? Thank you

Richard Smith avatar
jp flag
How have you specified `<project>`? Does it begin with a `/`. What does `ls -l /etc/nginx/sites-enabled` give you?
user3521180 avatar
cn flag
I got the resolution. The sym link was already configured by some other member which I didn't know. So, now there's no problem now. Thank you
in flag
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