
Windows Server 2019 2 node failover cluster offline after some reboot

pt flag

I have 2 windows server 2019 on VirtualBox. I have configured the failover cluster and it's working. I'm testing the failover and failback. These are the steps I have done after completing the configuration (Testing with IIS website).

  1. Start Node 1 (Only Node1 on, Node 1 Website Available on virtual IP)
  2. Start Node 2 (Both Node on, Node 1 Website Available on virtual IP)
  3. Shutdown Node 1 (Only Node2 on, Node 2 Website Available on virtual IP)
  4. Shutdown Node 2, Now both nodes are off.

After 10 minutes.

  1. Start Node 1 (No website available on virtual IP, but available on node 1 physical)

Now failover cluster manager shows "Cluster status: down".

Does anyone know why node 1 does not start the cluster as in step 1? Note that these actions are done within 1 hour. Is this may be the issue of node Quarantine?

gb flag

The issue is not related to the quarantine. When the node is quarantined you will see it in the Failover Cluster manager. In your scenario, you are shutting down node 1 first and then node 2. After booting node 1 cluster is offline due to dynamic quorum mechanism. Check for more information: Failover Cluster with 2 nodes only should have an external Witness. It can be a file share witness or a witness disk. The following guide should help:


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