
Recommended way to ping from within container

dk flag

Recently I was configuring some containers with non typical networking settings (at least non typical for me) and so I was having some problems (finalny I was able to make it working so no worries). One thing that was making "debbuging" harder was that many public images doesn't contain "ping" util, and this is normal for building docker images (policy "less" is better).

In case when container have connection to internet but have some networking problems (like with local network) you can just install ping temporarily, if there is no internet then what would be the easiest way to debug networking from inside container, maybe some docker build in functions or maybe use build script (dockefile + compose) to add ping utils during creation?

A.B avatar
cl flag
You don't even always need to emit a packet to check settings. `ip route get` is a handy debugging tool too.

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