
Refreshing Windows DHCP Server reservation active/inactive state

in flag

I have a Windows DHCP server with a number of reservations. These all seem to work correctly (in that the addresses are correctly distributed) but, somehow, the Active/Inactive state of these has become corrupted in the Leases view on the DHCP MMC.

Machines that I know are not plugged in are showing up as Active, making it very difficult to see at-a-glance which machines are on-site or not (at least, not without additional tools/scans -- we have these, they are off-topic).

Said machines have been off-site for far longer than the scope's timeout, but nothing seems to revert these back to Inactive. I suspect this is because they pulled out, rather than doing a clean DHCP release.

Newly-added reservations seem to be OK, but I'm not going to delete and recreate these, even with a netsh dump/exec. Is there any non-destructive way to reset this state?

pt flag

Set supported type to DHCP only


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