
Can we limit the traffic used by user in dante server?

ca flag

Can we limit the traffic used by user in dante server?

I have a dante socks5 server I want to limit the traffic used by a user to 2GB only

If I can do this with dante please help else if I can't any other open source socks5 server or soloution?

djdomi avatar
za flag
what is the goal you are trying to Fix, it looks for me a X and Y Problem, however i can only find to limit the Bandwith but not traffic per user, as reference take a look to - this is even not known to me if squid could do that
djdomi avatar
za flag
Additonal Info; It seems that Dante server, if the Man-Page is correct, has oly the Ability to rate-Limite the Bandwith but not the traffic, (

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