
command "docker compose up" not found in azure aci

us flag

I'm following ths resource in order to deploy docker-compose application in azure:

My problem is that the command "docker compose up" is not working.

I get the following error:

docker: 'compose' is not a docker command

However i switched the context before with:

docker context use "azuremycontext" 

Edit: I found a prior mistake, but i'm not sure why it isn't working either: I cannot execute the command

docker context create aci azuremycontext

docker command doesn't have this option in my linux. What am I missing here?

Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
Looks like a typo to me.
Vasili Pascal avatar
us flag
No, docker compose is now a golang alternative to python's docker-compose. So it should be available in new versions.
ng flag

the command is "docker-compose", not "docker compose".

Lorem ipsum avatar
us flag
thanks for you answer. I thought the same. But i was reading the official microsoft documentation here: Inside this documentation, there is a note: "There is no hyphen between docker and compose in these commands." I think i might failed creating an aci context, since the command inside my "Edit" section didn't work out.
ng flag
Yes, I would guess that you are not using the ACI context when running that command
Vasili Pascal avatar
us flag
See, docker compose is an alternative to docker-compose
us flag

So i found the solution and would like to share it:

You have to install the docker aci integration in order to use "docker compose" and "docker create context aci [contextname]". You can install it as follows:

curl -L | sh
Andrew avatar
cn flag
I ran your magic script and still can't use `docker compose`.

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