With Office 365 tenant restrictions in place, access to the Microsoft Learn Sandbox's Office 365 tenant (used by courses such as https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/learn/modules/azure-architecture-fundamentals/exercise-create-website) is blocked:
Message: AADSTS500021: Access to 'Microsoft Learn Sandbox' tenant is denied.

There doesn't seem to be anything in Microsoft's documentation for this and a Google search for Access to 'Microsoft Learn Sandbox' tenant is denied.
returns absolutely nothing, hence this post.

For now, we've granted access by using the directory ID, 604c1504-c6a3-4080-81aa-b33091104187
, from the URL but this isn't ideal as it's not human-readable.
Does anyone know what the tenant's default AAD FQDN (<something>.onmicrosoft.com
) is?
I guessed microsoftlearnsandbox.onmicrosoft.com
and it does exist according to https://login.microsoftonline.com/microsoftlearnsandbox.onmicrosoft.com/v2.0/.well-known/openid-configuration but it didn't work here.
Edit (2022/03/16 15:36): While using the Microsoft Learn Sandbox, I happened across a UPN named <username>@triplecrownlabs.onmicrosoft.com which is in line with what Bobbert said / found.