Score:0 FQDN for Microsoft Learn Sandbox 365 tenant

mz flag

With Office 365 tenant restrictions in place, access to the Microsoft Learn Sandbox's Office 365 tenant (used by courses such as is blocked:

Message: AADSTS500021: Access to 'Microsoft Learn Sandbox' tenant is denied.

enter image description here

There doesn't seem to be anything in Microsoft's documentation for this and a Google search for Access to 'Microsoft Learn Sandbox' tenant is denied. returns absolutely nothing, hence this post. enter image description here

For now, we've granted access by using the directory ID, 604c1504-c6a3-4080-81aa-b33091104187, from the URL but this isn't ideal as it's not human-readable.

Does anyone know what the tenant's default AAD FQDN (<something> is?

I guessed and it does exist according to but it didn't work here.


Edit (2022/03/16 15:36): While using the Microsoft Learn Sandbox, I happened across a UPN named <username> which is in line with what Bobbert said / found.

enter image description here

djdomi avatar
za flag
As Stated, contact your IT-Administrator. `Questions should demonstrate reasonable information technology management practices. Questions that relate to unsupported hardware or software platforms or unmaintained environments may not be suitable for Server Fault.`
mythofechelon avatar
mz flag
I am the IT administrator. Contacting the Microsoft Learn Sandbox tenant administrators is likely to be very difficult, time-consuming, and unsuccessful so I was hoping that someone would just know. And if they don't and I do manage to find out myself then I'll post the answer here "Q&A style" which is encouraged.
Noor Khaldi avatar
br flag
Doubt anyone will be able to tell you what the domain name is, since it seems this is not publicly available data. beside, I fail to see the need to have the domain name if you can just use a tenant ID, contact Microsoft directly maybe?
ar flag <- took me forever to find

Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
How do you know that this is correct?
mythofechelon avatar
mz flag
@Michael Hampton It does seem to be correct as has the exact same Directory ID GUID that we managed to allow access with. I am curious how Bobbert managed to find it, though.

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