
Creating a stacked area distribution percentile graph in Google Cloud Monitoring

cn flag

I've created a log based metric using logs stored in Google Cloud Logs based on HTTP response duration. I'd like to a graph which shows stacked area for 50th, 95th, and 99th percentile.

I've read the Google Cloud Monitoring docs on various charts and while I can get any single metric to display as a percentile; I can't seem to have all three percentiles render stacked at the same time.

What is possible is adding the 3 percentiles to a chart as 3 separate metrics with different alignment which seems to work well for regular line charts but if I change the chart type to stacked area then each percentile shades its area independentally of the other percentile lines.

I can also get all three lines to show up if I select a "Heatmap" chart with sum or delta alignment and click 'hide heatmap' button on the chart in Metrics explorer.

This is a very common way to visualize distribution percentiles so I think it should be possible (may by editing the query direction to include multiple percentiles) so any help is appreciated.

Metric Details:

Type: Distribution

Filter: logName = "projects/lv-server-1/logs/tail-logs" AND jsonPayload.httpRequest:*

Units: s

Field name: jsonPayload.duration


  • "status, INTEGER, jsonPayload.status"
  • 'content_type, STRING,jsonPayload.resp_headers."Content-Type"'

Histogram Buckets:

  • Type: Exponential
  • Number of Buckets: 64
  • Exponetnial growth Factor: 2.0
  • Linear scale: .00005
Pit avatar
dz flag
In order to make the reproduction of the scenario, please could you share exactly same log based metrics, and which is the limit for a http response duration time. We have to take into account that the aligned data point is valid only for gauge and delta metrics when they have a distribution data type, as seen in [Align data's documentation](
melink14 avatar
cn flag
Hi @Pedro, I updated the question with more details. I included the histogram buckets since that exactly gives the limit of recorded HTTP response duration times.
Pit avatar
dz flag
Please could you share as well the build filters? This [similar post]( might be helpful.
melink14 avatar
cn flag
I added the metric filters as well. The similar post seems to be related to metrics and alerting but I think my problem is more on how to create charts for my metrics. Though perhaps there's some way to use `||` in the query editor?
cn flag

I found what seems to be the answer on stackoverflow after reading the Monitoring Query Language docs.

union_group_by allows you to chart multiple time series at once which would allow stacked area graph to work correctly. I searched for examples of usage and came across this stack overflow post which had been posted recently.

Essentially, you create a table of percentiles from your latency data and then pass it to union_group_by:

fetch |
    percentile_from 50 | add [p: "50th percentile"]
    percentile_from 90 | add [p: "90th percentile"]
    percentile_from 95 | add [p: "95th percentile"]
} |
union_group_by [p]

The resulting graph is stacked correctly but uses a different interpolation than when using the basic editor's percentile aligner. The values seem roughly correct though.


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