
haproxy: Proxy request over another http proxy

in flag

We have haproxy in place to perform two-way (mutual) TLS for TCP connections through a SOCKS proxy. This is the setup:

client --> haproxy --> socks proxy (gateway) --> Internet --> server

This is the haproxy configuration:

    log stdout format iso local7 debug

    log global
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    maxconn 10
    timeout connect 5000
    timeout client  50000
    timeout server  50000
    option tcp-check

  listen ssl-over-socks-1080
    server ssl_over_socks ssl crt /cert/client.pem ca-file /cert/server.pem verify required socks4 check inter 30000 fastinter 1000

This setup works fine for TCP+TLS over SOCKS proxy.

Now we want to configure haproxy to do HTTP+TLS over HTTP proxy:

client --> haproxy --> http proxy (gateway) --> Internet --> server

The configuration currently looks like this:

    log stdout format iso local7 debug

    log global
    mode http
    option httplog
    maxconn 10
    timeout connect 5000
    timeout client  50000
    timeout server  50000
    option tcp-check

  listen ssl-over-proxy-1080
    server ssl_over_http ssl crt /cert/client.pem ca-file /cert/server.pem verify required socks4 check check-via-socks4 inter 30000 fastinter 1000

We receive the following output from haproxy:

Server ssl-over-proxy-1080/ssl_over_http is DOWN, reason: Layer6 invalid response, info: "SOCKS4 Proxy deny the request at initial connection step of tcp-check", check duration: 3ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left. 0 sessions active, 0 requeued, 0 remaining in queue.

I see that the socks4 parameter in the configuration might be wrong. However, I could not find the equivalent of the socks4 parameter for HTTP connections in the haproxy documentation.

With Apache httpd we could us the following configuration:

ProxyRemote "*"
ProxyPass /

How can we configure haproxy to pass the http request through another http proxy?


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