
Preventing redirects for file serving in apache

cn flag

I am working with a specific proprietary (and no longer properly supporter) http client, and it has an issue of giving up on trying to download files if an http server throws a 301. I am using mod_speling with CheckSpelling On and CheckCaseOnly On, and what I am describing happens when a request is made with the path, for example, being /documentroot/Media/audio.mp3, while the actual path is /documentroot/media/audio.mp3 (also same goes for request of /documentroot/Media/Audio.mp3//documentroot/media/Audio.mp3 and actual path being /documentroot/media/audio.mp3), so a redirect is made to that path. Is there a way to avoid a redirect and serve files directly, even if there is a mismatch in case somewhere in requested path?

djdomi avatar
za flag
why not using lower cased letters for all your files and requests?
whuykvpp avatar
cn flag
@djdomi, "I am working with a specific proprietary (and no longer properly supporter) http client"(C). I have no control over it.

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