
How can I forward smartd alerts to multiple emails?

ru flag

I want to forward smartd alerts to multiple email addresses. According to smartd.conf man page,

To send email to more than one user, please use the following "comma separated" form for the address: user1@add1,user2@add2,...,userN@addN (with no spaces).

However, on Ubuntu 18.04 and with smartmontools release 6.6, if I drop a line like this in the smartd.conf, and then do systemctl restart smartd,

 DEVICESCAN -M test -d removable -n standby -m root,[email protected] -M exec /usr/share/smartmontools/smartd-runner

I do receive email in root's system mailbox, but not in the Gmail ID. However, if I use just the Gmail address, it works. Is it a bug with handling multiple email addresses, or am I missing something?

djdomi avatar
za flag
how's about to setup an alias and create herewith a distribution list and add as many as you like?

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