
nfs (or ceph, or k8s) works strange: ls/tree not working, but i can read files

es flag

I have some problems and i want to know where i have to check.

  • my env: ceph nfs mount to a k8s pod

  • problem:

    • at mounted path (on k8s node and inside the pod too), ls/tree not working, but i can read/write files

    • because i can read files and only can't see in filesystem, so i thought inode is weird.

    • mounted volume has negative IUsed and increasing Inodes when i create/modify files, which i don't know why.

    • here is the command/result and my mount option(on the machine)

      sh-4.2# ls -al
      total 0
      drwx--x--x   1  root root 7 6 02:45 .
      drwxrwxrwx 216  root root 7 6 02:45 ..
      sh-4.2# cd 03
      sh-4.2# ls -al
      total 0
      drwxr-xr-x   1  root root 7 6 02:45 .
      drwx--x--x 216  root root 7 6 02:45 ..
      sh-4.2# cat test
      cat: test: No such file or directory
      sh-4.2# echo "FILE EXISTS" > test
      sh-4.2# ls -al
      total 0
      drwxr-xr-x   1  root root 7 6 02:45 .
      drwx--x--x 216  root root 7 6 02:45 ..
      sh-4.2# cat test
      sh-4.2# df -iH --type=nfs4
      Filysystem                  Inodes  IUsed  IFree  IUse%  Mounted on        657  -1.7G   1.7G      -  /data0/kubelet/pods/**/volumes/
      sh-4.2# cat /etc/mtab | grep nfs4 /data0/kubelet/pods/**/volumes/**** 
      nfs4 rw,relatime,vers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,
      timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=172.30.*.*,local_lock=none,addr=172.30.*.* 0 0

Thank you in advance. where can i find the root cause or searching keyword?

Vit avatar
cn flag
the way and place you installed kubernetes?
whojes avatar
es flag
centos 7 on premise
Vit avatar
cn flag
seems like kind of FS corruption. Have you run fsck tool to check logs and issues?

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