
Mysql server won't start after changing bind-address

cn flag

I have two dropplets at digitalocean, one is for http server and another is for database.

In mysql config /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf I have set bind-address to digitalocean private ip and everithing was working without the errors.

After server was rebooted, mysql failed to start. After I change bind-address to it was working again, but my php app could not connect to the database.

Just to be clear, this kind of set up was working fine atfer server reboot.

us flag
Are you sure the private IP was the same after reboot?
sitemapxml avatar
cn flag
No, it was automatically changed to
sitemapxml avatar
cn flag
So I have changed it again, mysql failed to start, change back to localhost and it is working, except I have no access to database. This was a bug in old mysql versions, but I use mysql 8.0.25
jm flag
`` is the localhost IP address and is not set by DHCP. Use `ip a` to find out the IP that your server picked up on reboot.
jm flag
Or you can set the bind-address to `` to listen on all IPv4 interfaces.
sitemapxml avatar
cn flag
I tried, but whatever ip I set except `` it throws an error. It seems as a bug.

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