
Full system backup on a remote server with Borg

cn flag

I'm trying to do a full system backup on my remote server. I want to use Borg for this process because it has deduplication so it only copies files that are different and thus doesn't use as much space as a regular backup. Currently I'm using the command that follows:

sudo borg create --stats --progress --one-file-system --compression lz4 backup::Monday /run/media/archie/server/{bin,boot,etc,home,lib,lib64,opt,root,run,sbin,srv,tmp,usr}

This doesn't look like an optimal solution so how can I make it better? Or is there any other tool with deduplication for this job?

Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
What is the problem you are having?
Enes Doğan avatar
cn flag
It looks messy and I don't think this is an optimal solution.
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
Huh? Where is the messy bit? Where is the not optimal bit?
Enes Doğan avatar
cn flag
{bin,boot,etc,home,lib,lib64...} bit is quite messy and if there were to be other files added this script won't back them up.
cn flag

I've solved the problem with this script:

borg create --stats --progress --compress lz4 --one-file-system \
    --exclude $SERVER/dev \
    --exclude $SERVER/mnt \
    --exclude $SERVER/proc \
    --exclude $SERVER/run \
    --exclude $SERVER/swapfile \
    --exclude $SERVER/tmp \
    --exclude $SERVER/sys \
    --exclude $SERVER/lost+found \

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