
How to configure Apache2.4 to get URL path from distribution (dist) directory?

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I am trying to get URL resource loaded using Alias but it is not working for dynamic URLs

DocumentRoot /var/www/dist/ Alias / /var/www/dist/

But when we refresh the page The requested URL was not found on this server. shows up, so can anybody suggest me how to work it out so that if even the page is reload the the content of the URL stays there itself


(Currently) URL (At present after reloading the page the The requested URL was not found on this server. shows up)

(Expected) Even after the URL is reloaded the content on the page stays there and a single configuration which works for dynamic (Any URL mentioned in the code) URL.

Dennis Nolte avatar
us flag
check your apache logfile, for debian its usually at /var/log/apache2/error.log This should give you some hints why this isn't working.

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