
Nginx rewrite and return interfere with different location block

cn flag

I have the following configuration in nginx for redirecting in a certain scenario.

location /prefix-someurl {
   if (condition) {
            return 301 $scheme://$host/xyz.html;
   proxy_pass someValue;

and in another block there are some rewrite rules like this

location /someurl {
   if (condition) {
            rewrite ^(.*)abc(.*)$ $1test/abc$2 break;               
            rewrite ^(.*)someurl/$(.*) $1someurl/test/index.html$2;

   proxy_pass value;

The above configuration works as intended. However if for the latter I make this modification;

location /someurl {
   if (condition) {
            return 301 $scheme://$host/xyz.html;
   if (condition) {
            rewrite ^(.*)abc(.*)$ $1test/abc$2 break;               
            rewrite ^(.*)someurl/$(.*) $1someurl/test/index.html$2;

   proxy_pass value;

I get too many redirect errors for accessing /prefix-someurl.If I modify the /someurl to the following the error goes away;

location /someurl {
  if (condition) {
        return 301 $scheme://$host/xyz.html;
  proxy_pass value;

I cannot understand why modifying /someurl has an impact on /prefix-someurl. Or am I missing something regarding nginx rewrite evaluation. Insight on this would be appreciated.

Richard Smith avatar
jp flag
You need to identify each step in the loop. Use `curl -I` to test the individual redirects. Also, enable the [`rewrite_log`]( to get diagnostics from the rewrite engine.
us flag
You can most likely find an answer at . Instead of `if`, you should use `map` and use another strategy for your conditions.

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