
PowerDNS: spoof NXDOMAIN response from "forward-zones" server and forward it

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I faced an issue trying to setup PowerDNS for my local network. I have a domain managed by Cloudflare.

For instance I have A record on Cloudflare like pointing to but my local clients should resolve to and it's not a problem by using forward-zones=""; in recursor config, but I have another record like pointing to, that server is outside of my local network and I have to copy A record from Cloudflare to my local PowerDNS by hands otherwise local client gets NXDOMAIN.

Looks like I need to spoof NXDOMAIN response from local PowerDNS and query forwarder. Is it possible?

EDIT: I started with LUA script and is able to catch NXDOMAIN response. But I can't forward it.

function nxdomain(dq)
    pdnslog("Intercepting NXDOMAIN for: "..dq.qname:toString())
    if dq.qtype == pdns.A
        dq.rcode=0 -- make it a normal answer
        dq:addAnswer(pdns.A, "")
        return true
    return false

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