
Remote Desktop CAL - Why do I get 1000 licenses when I only bought 2 CALs?

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We bought 2 CALs from Microsoft and I installed them (probably) successfully (see screenshot below).

Screenshot Licensing Manager

Most things work as expected:

  1. I installed the 2 CALs as "per user" which shows up in the Licensing Manager
  2. For test purposes I connected with 5 different users --> 5 Licenses were issued

What I don't understand/ask myself:

  1. I installed 2 CALs but got 1000 licenses. I had expected to only get 2 Licenses. Does anybody know why I got 1000 licenses?
  2. In the end the system will be used by 7 different users. Do we have to buy 5 more CALs (7 CALs in total, one per user)? Or are 2 CALs sufficient (or would theoretically even 1 CAL be sufficient)?
  3. Does it make a difference if the 7 users connect at the same time or if there's e.g. never more than 4 users connected at the same time?

The only good explanation I have for this odd behavior is Microsoft makes a difference between what's technically possible (probably for convenience) and what's legally allowed. But I'm afraid I got something maybe fundamentally wrong.

Below is the History of issued Licenses. Maybe it makes things more clear:

Issued Licenses


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