
Nginx return 500 Internal Server Error

es flag

Last night I was trying to upload photo on my website and I get error enter image description here

I trying to do console.log but they didn`t show anything.After some re-search I notice that disk usage of my server is full so I get AWS EBS but error is still there

enter image description here

I try many option and also increase memory on Nginx.

So is there anyone who can tell me what to problem can be ?

gp flag

Your EBS disk is full. The easiest way to deal with this is to delete files from the disk.

If that's not practical:

  • In the AWS console increase the size of your EBS disk (link)
  • In Linux extend the size of your file system so it uses the space available on the EBS disk (link)
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
Or remove unnecessary files.
Tim avatar
gp flag
Yep, sorry I thought that was obvious but I'll add it to the answer.
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
Apparently it's not so obvious as it doesn't seem to have occurred to OP. I have no idea why.
Tim avatar
gp flag
People have varying levels of experience. I try not to judge, I just provide help.
mawerick_1 avatar
es flag
It`s fixed. Thank you all !

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