Once can easily setup Azure traffic manager with two endpoints:
- the e-commerce site you operate normally
- the site with a static maintenance page (we user Azure static web)
The requirement is to be able to put up the maintenance page any time, regardless of if the e-commerce site is up or down.
There are several routing methods in TM, but nothing which is "just use the enabled one".
We tried the "performance" routing method.
The problem is this: if we enable the site down endpoint (after a long period of not using it), and disable the e-commerce endpoint, there is a long period (about a minute) where TM is checking the endpoint status of the newly enabled endpoint, where "new" users see this message: site not found, DNS name not resolved instead of the site down page. If they keep refreshing, after around a minute they see the maintenance page.
Any suggestions on how to make the switch instant? Ideally I would want to disable all the endpoint health checks, but cant see a way to do this. This is especially true of our non-prod envs, which cant be seen without our VPN, so Azure can't actually check the health.
This is separate to the issue that users on the e-commerce site will continue to see the e-commerce site after the switch, as their browsers are caching the DNS records (we set them to the min, which is 10 mins).