
Can't change virtualmin / webmin password

ge flag

I want to change the Webmin login password. The one that you use to log in with when you connect to 10000 port. I have tried several ways. The password will change but at the login, I can only log in with my old password. How can I change this? Here are the ways that I change the password:

Login into Webmin interface. Click on the option 'System' in the left sidebar of Webmin. Select the option 'Change Password' and you will be able to see a screen with all of the users listed. Select the user which you want to change the password from the list.

Another way that changed my PHPMyAdmin password but not the Webmin login:

Login into Webmin interface. Click on the option 'Edit Virtual Server' in the right sidebar of Virtualmin. In the 'Configurable settings' section change the 'Administration password'.

ge flag

I have to change the password using SSH. I'm using Ubuntu so I used this command

/usr/share/webmin/ /etc/webmin root NEWPASSWORD

during this process I got Can't locate ./acl/ at /usr/share/webmin/ line 6. Error and after I read this thread I was able to solve it.


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