
How to make a domain name resolve to the same IP address as another domain name?

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I have a AWS ELB to the gateway of an internal service.

I have some other host names that I need to be resolved to the same address as the ELB DNS name.

In my current set up, I'm using /etc/hosts to manually point the names to the IP address of the ELB.

But the IP of the ELB changes once in a while and I'll have to update /etc/hosts again and again.

Is it possible to just tell my operating system to just resolve the specified host names as like I'm querying with the ELB DNS name?

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DNS CNAME. ELB name is the canonical name, and the other name you want to resolve to it the alias.

/etc/hosts is not useful beyond that one host. Use DNS.

Satoru.Logic avatar
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For some reason I can't change the DNS setup. My only option is to do it in your local environment.

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