
How to Enable SSL for Amazon EC2 Instance(LAMP packaged by Bitnami)?

cn flag

I launch an EC2 instance with an AMI from the marketplace, which is called LAMP packaged by Bitnami.

After the instance is launched, I find I can only access its DNS name or IP via HTTP, not HTTPS. It seems that the SSL will not be installed by default.

So I search on its document and find this:

I follow the instruction to run the following command:

sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool

But after inputting the DNS name, it shows a warning:

Warning: The domain '' resolves to a 
different IP address than the one detected for this machine, which is 
''. Please fix its DNS entries or remove it. For more info see:

I doube-check the domain DNS at and confirm will resolve to, as below: enter image description here

So why I still get this warning? Also this warning will prevent me from creating the SSL certificate for at all.

Tim avatar
gp flag
You'll want to set up a proper domain name and DNS A records pointing at the server before you try to get an SSL cert
alancc avatar
cn flag
Can I set the SSL for the DNS name instead of a custom domain I want to do this because I will take the EC2 computer as a origin for Cloudfront, and use a custom domain will cause redirect loop.
Tim avatar
gp flag
Let's Encrypt has a few validation methods, you might manage it with the HTTP challenge Personally I would register the EC2 server as a subdomain - eg
alancc avatar
cn flag
@Tim, Thank you. I use and it works now.
gp flag

Here's an answer to close things off.

The best approach here is to register a domain name for the server rather than using the EC2 domain name, set up DNS records, and create an A record for the server. Request a certificate for that domain name.

If you're using CloudFront a domain such as can be useful, so that CloudFront can control the primary domain. Otherwise you can register any domain name you like.


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