
Nginx + PHP-FPM starts crashing after suspicious pentesting request with hexadecimal http verb/method

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my server crashes everytime an annoying pentester tries to find security-holes in my application. I see this in the errorlog:

17:48:48 +0200] "\x16\x03\x01\x00M\x01\x00\x00I\x03\x03\xDBJA\xC5\xB17\xF6\xDA \xD4\xEEEg0\xE0\xF2\xF2\xC9S\xE4\xF9v}\x1E\x00\xC8\xC3d\x 80h;= \x1F\xD2\xAF?\x88\x8A\xA2\xCF\x16G\x99\x1D\x91" 400 173 "-" "-"

The server is configured like a normal nginx + php-fpm server. Port 80 is redirected to 443 and ssl ist configured correctly.

I also added this line:

if ($request_method !~ ^(GET|HEAD|POST|OPTIONS|DELETE|PUT|PATCH)$) { return 405; }

(in both server-configurations)

This is also the only "pentesting" request that results in a 400. All other requests results in 301 or 404. I found a similar issue where the ssl section of nginx is not configured correctly. I checked my configuration but it looks alright.

I have the same issue on another server that has a similar configuration and on a server that has a nginx -> apache_mpm_prefork_fpm config.

Any ideas what this is and how to protect the server from crashing. How to reproduce such a pentesting request (I tried it in postman but I got a different result).

Thx alot.


I figured out how to reproduce that log: https://servername:80.

But I can't figure out how block this kind of requests. I tried it with $scheme but the request is encrypted. I tried to add ssl to the config but nothing changed. There must be a reason why those pentesting/exploid-sites try to send a https request to port 80.

Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
This does not look like pentesting. It looks like someone has tried to connect to an HTTP port using HTTPS. Check your nginx configuration.
codeneuss avatar
tr flag
well it's actually pentesting / scanning or however you call it. There a lot other requests from the same ip thats looking for exploits. But your comment helps to reproduce it. "Check your nginx config" doesn't help. I did that for half a year now.
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
Nginx is already rejecting those requests. What more do you want?
Michael Hampton avatar
cz flag
And, what do you mean by crashing? You've shown nothing in your post about a crash.

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