
Google Cloud Project with No Owner

us flag

We have a Google Cloud project on my team and the owner has since left the organization.

We still have access to the project because someone on my team in an editor but editors cannot give others access. She is leaving the team and we are trying to give someone else access.

If there is no owner listed and the editor can't give access does that mean there is no way to give anyone else access or assign a new owner?I have included a screenshot of the permissions page

John Hanley avatar
cn flag
1) Check if any of the already created service accounts have the role Owner. 2) The simplest solution is to backup/move the resources to a project that you control/own. 3) Otherwise, you will need to go thru Google Cloud Support. The process will be easier if you own/control the billing account and the credit/debit card. 4) I am curious - how was the Owner Identity removed from the project?

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