
Can't SSH from host to VM through static IP

gb flag

I'm setting a cluster of servers with ubuntu 16.4 VM's to learn about it. As suggested by some tutorials, I set a static ip for each machine besides DHCP one (2 network interfaces). To achieve that I edited /etc/network/interfaces and added the following config:

# The secondary network interface
auto enp0s8
iface enp0s8 inet static

I can ping both ips just fine between each VM and I can also connect them via SSH (installed openSSH in each machine). From the host (windows 10) I can only ping and ssh to DHCP ips but static ips does not work from host. Any orientation on how to succesfully connect with static ip from host will be appreciated.

ng flag
First, I'd advice you to use a modern Ubuntu. They switched to Netplan instead of `/etc/network/interfaces`, and otherwise you'll have to re-learn everything. Second, the answer would be somewhat broad. You should read up on routing, routing tables, subnets, gateways, etc. The reason your Windows 10 host can't reach ``, is because it has no network presence there. But the _real_ answer to your problem depends on the use case of that second IP. If it's only for node-to-node traffic, you don't need to reach it from elsewhere.

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