Yes it will work, mounted storage will not an issue but files which had changed during backup will be corrupted, for test i used boot partition of the test virtual machine with Centos 7
simple script that will make changes to file in second session is:
while :;
let i++
echo "test$i" >> /boot/testfile
sleep 0.5s
you can run changing script and then run your command
root@testkvm ~ $ dd status=progress if=/dev/sda1 bs=10M conv=sync,noerror | gzip -9 - | dd of=/tmp/testfile.gz
545259520 bytes (545 MB) copied, 27.401949 s, 19.9 MB/s
51+1 records in
52+0 records out
545259520 bytes (545 MB) copied, 27.4028 s, 19.9 MB/s
206820+1 records in
206820+1 records out
105892004 bytes (106 MB) copied, 27.4112 s, 3.9 MB/s
root@testkvm /tmp $ gunzip /tmp/testfile.gz
root@testkvm /tmp $ mount /tmp/testfile /mnt
root@testkvm /tmp $ cat /mnt/testfile
as you see there is incorrect data
source file at the moment of backup finished looks like:
root@testkvm ~ $ cat /boot/testfile
so you can backup with this command only if you're sure there will no any changes during backup