
Delaying my own process to automount an external storage which start at boot

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I would like to implement my own process into a CentOS7 operating system which automount an external storage (AVID ISIS for this example) at boot through systemd.

To do that, I scripted the mount procedure (because I cannot use fstab in this particular case, the avidfos command provided by AVID is needed) but I have noticed that my process failed at boot. When I run it just after the boot process manually, everything works fine.

After some reseach on systemd, I have tried to use "After=" and "Wants=" unit directives on and also but anything change.

This is a screenshot of my very simple process (without "After=" / "Wants=" directives):

Description=Automount ISIS storage



Here is the ExecStart script :

mount.avidfos [ISIS-HOSTNAME]/SWAP_PULSE-IT /srv/SWAP_PULSE-IT -o credentials=/root/.CREDENTIALS/.credentialsISIS,uid=997,umask=700

My questions are :

  1. Are we agree than if "Wants=" / "After=" directives does not work, then it means that and are not the only services needed ?
  2. If yes, is there any procedure to know which processus is missing at boot ?

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