
NGINX Ingress Controller forwarded Certificate to Apache2 Extraction

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On our k8s cluster we use NGINX Ingress Controller to request the clients (web-browsers) to provide a client certificate. If the certificate is valid, the request ist proxied to a full-blown Apache Server inside the private network.

The nginx <> Apache communication is not TLS encrypted. Using the Option ' "true"' on the ngnix, the Apache Server receives a header named X-Client-Certificate containing the full client certificate in PEM format.

At this point I am lost. How do I utilize this certificate just like I would, when sending it from the client directly to the Apache HTTP server (not via proxy)? I intend to use the DN of the certificates information as REMOTE_USER in order to perform an ldap authorization (using mod_authnz_ldap) but am not able to do so (REMOTE_USER contains '500'). Not having a proxy in between, I would use this command and have the username in the REMOTE_USER Environment variable of Apache - having it accessible as username to authorize in LDAP: SSLUserName SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN

Anyone experienced with this kind of setup and could give me a hint? I have exhausted all known to me and found options.

Thanks in advance.


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