
bind mount /dev/pts twice - umount fails with "target is busy."

ca flag

I'm trying to understand problems that I get when I run my debootstrap procedure more than once in parallel. It seems to come down to this piece of bash script:

mkdir -p "$DIR1" "$DIR2"
mount -o bind /dev "$DIR1"
mount -o bind /dev/pts "$DIR1/pts"
mount -o bind /dev "$DIR2"
mount -o bind /dev/pts "$DIR2/pts"
umount "$DIR1/pts"
umount "$DIR1"

Do you have an idea why the last line fails (at least on my Debian bullseye system) with "target is busy."?

When I add -l to the umount for lazy unmounting, it gets even worse: My system ends up with /dev/pts not mounted anymore. I have to mount it again manually or reboot then.


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