
How to forward all trafice from microk8s cluster through firewalld?

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I have a microk8s cluster on a Centos8 host. The host uses iptables-legacy and firewalld. I have troubles getting the cluster to talk with the internet, and recently found that these two tools are standing in my way. For iptables I can do $ sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT' on my host, but for the firewalld the only solution right now is to disable it, which is less than ideal. I want to configure the firewall so that it lets traffic to my cluster trough, but I'm not that familiar with firewalld. How to configure it in a way so that it forwards all the traffic that originates from and to my microk8s cluster? (in microk8s, master and node are on the same system)

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That article might help to configure firewalld properly: ( Kubernetes on CentOS 7 with Firewalld )

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