i'm trying to figure out what would be the best aproach to get an external server into my local domain.
the external server is directly connected to the internet, no hardware-firewall
the internal server is behind a hardware-filewall (and of course there is nat)
i'm aware of thats it not a supported scenario by microsoft, but t should be possible, question is what would be the best
currently i could think of 3 maybe possible methods:
- manually set windows firewall on external server so that ad-communication is only possible to public ipof internal server, manually set dns for domain via hosts-file
- create a dial-in vpn-connection from the external server to the internal firewall and start it via task sheduler on system startup (and maybe disconnect/connect everey 2 hours or sojustto be safe itgets reconnected on some issues)
- setup RAS on the external server and let the internal firewall connect to the external server (if possible, don't know but should?)
- maybe an additional software on the server that is capable of automaticly connecting a vpn to the internal firewall even without user-login
any other ideas or what do you think is the most reliable and secure aproach?