

cn flag

I am trying to stand up a minimal RHEL 8 server on VMware Fusion with RHEL Developer creds. When I attempt to run the command:

subscription-manager register --username my_username --password my_password

I receive the following error:

Unable to verify server's identity: [SSL: UNSAFE_LEGACY_RENEGOTIATION_DISABLED] unsafe legace renegotiation disabled (_ssl.c:897)

I am assuming this is because my organization is performing SSL inspection and breaking the cert. I have gone to the config file "/etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf" and changed the insecure flag to "1" (which is supposed to disable certificate verification)

Not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any thoughts on what else I need to do to get this to go through??

id flag

It looks like your crypto-policy may be set to future. If you set it back to the default, you should be able to successfully register your RHEL 8 system.

cm flag

You likely need to lower your system's crypto policy to LEGACY:

update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY

Consider creating your own policy to better match your environment.


What does curl -v --cacert /etc/rhsm/ca/redhat-uep.pem yield? If your org does TLS inspection as you say, try adding your MITM device's CA cert to RHSMs config:

  • Place the cert in /etc/rhsm/ca/your-org.pem
  • Set RHSM to use it (in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf):
repo_ca_cert = /etc/rhsm/ca/your-org.pem
Joe avatar
cn flag
I ran this command and rebooted the server but I am still getting the same error
cm flag
Review the crypto policy settings. You should be able to activate insecure renegotiation with a custom policy.
cm flag
I've updated my answer
Joe avatar
cn flag
Thanks for the update. I tried this but now I am getting an error that there is a self signed cert in the chain. Although I am pretty sure my org's cert is not self signed

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