
EC2 disabling SSH password authentication from snapshot

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I maintain a CentOS 7 server in AWS EC2 which uses password authentication instead of private keys (this is beyond my control).

I recently started testing a daily backup system using snapshots of the EBS volume. However, if I create an AMI from those snapshots and launch a new instance, it is impossible to connect using SSH. I investigated further and found out that the reason is because at instance launch, EC2 changes my /etc/ssh/sshd_config from PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no. This happens even if I choose not to associate a key pair during the launch wizard.

Is there some way to prevent EC2 from doing this unwanted modification? Is this located in a script somewhere inside the machine that I can edit or disable?

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Managed to get it working. These launch-time configurations (called cloud_init) are located inside /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. Just change ssh_pwauth to 1 in the main machine and future snapshots will already work appropriately.


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