
How can I do this port-forward?

ru flag

Hello I try to do a port forward in this network

enter image description here

As you can see I have the localhost when I want to execute a curl to localhost:9203, in order to get access to is a server that only is accessible by ssh server,

Currently, I connect by ssh to ssh server and then I execute the curl, but I want to do this from localhost because I cannot install dependencies in ssh server.

How can I do this port-for

I need access to ssh server with a user and password.

how can I do a port forward or ssh server needs a firewall rule to redirect?


cn flag

Based upon your question, I assume you are wanting to use an SSH tunnel.

ssh -L 9203: [email protected] (replace user with an actual user on

That will open up 9203 on your local machine, and redirect traffic to on 9200.

Tlaloc-ES avatar
ru flag
this `ssh -L 9203:elastic_ip.3:9200 user@sshserver` doesn't redirect trafic only get a access to the ssh server.
Tlaloc-ES avatar
ru flag
bind [elastic_ip]:9200: Cannot assign requested address channel_setup_fwd_listener_tcpip: cannot listen to port: 9200
cn flag
Is the port in use? netstat -ltmp
Tlaloc-ES avatar
ru flag
no, elasticsearch is a server that is only accesible by ssh server

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