
Inheriting rules from nginx.conf

jp flag

I am running multiple websites under the same nginx server using separate .conf files in the conf.d/ folder. However, to restrict access to certain secure files and folders, I have to enter the below lines in each .conf file

        # deny access to .htaccess files
        location ~ /\.ht {
            deny  all;
        # restrict access to individual files
        location ~ /(composer\.lock|composer\.json|\.env|composer\.phar|channel\.xml|package\.xml) { return 403; }

        # restrict access to directories
        location ~* /(\.git|\.svn|db|protected)/.*$ { return 403; }

Is there any way I can enter this line in nginx.conf and have it universally apply to all virtual hosts?

Richard Smith avatar
jp flag
No. `location` blocks are not inherited. You could place these statements into a separate file and `include` them into each `server` block - which would be easier to maintain, but would still require you to have at least one line repeated in every `server` block.

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