
Setup IP alias for GKE kubectl connection via tunneling through the "bastion" host to avoid insecure-skip-tls-verify option

cn flag

In reference to this question: Run 'kubectl' commands from my localhost to GKE - but via tunnelling through a bastion host

I'm facing the very same situation. I did all that is described in the accepted answer and achieved the point where I can communicate with my cluster via kubectl with --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag. However, I want to get rid of this flag as it is not the secure option. For that I tried to set up IP alias on my local, as suggested in the answer using command like this:

ifconfig lo0 alias

Where is my cluster private IP and lo0 is my loopback interface. However after that (and bringing back instead in ~/.kube/config) my kubectl command stopped working with the message

The connection to the server was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

I also tried assigning as a hostname for in /etc/hosts or adding static route in my system to point to - none of these worked.

My system is mac os.


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