
NFS mounts folders, but no files

eg flag

I have a problem getting files to show up using an NFSv4 mount between

Server: Ubuntu 20.04,
Client: Ubuntu 18.04,

On the server, I have a folder and file


(note 'server' is being used as the user account name). Here is the full ownership and permissions chain of the original file:

drwxr-xr-x  root:root        /
drwxr-xr-x  root:root        /home/
drwxr-xr-x  server:server    /home/server/
drwxrwxr-x  server:nfsgroup  /home/server/files/
-rwxrwxrwx  server:nfsgroup  /home/server/files/myfile.pdf

Here you can see an example of a utility 'user':'group' I created:

nfsuser  uid=127
nfsgroup gid=134

Both 'nfsuser' and 'server' are in the 'nfsgroup' group.

On the server, I have the /files/ directory bind-mounted to /srv/nfs4/files/ in /etc/fstab, with an entry

/home/server/files    /srv/nfs4/files    none    bind    0    0

This is successful, and I can clearly see the /srv/nfs4/files/myfile.pdf file as

-rwxrwxrwx  server:nfsgroup  /srv/nfs4/files/myfile.pdf

Here is the full ownership and permissions chain of the mounted and served file:

drwxr-xr-x  root:root        /
drwxr-xr-x  root:root        /srv/
drwxrwxr-x  server:nfsgroup  /srv/nfs4/
drwxrwxr-x  server:nfsgroup  /srv/nfs4/files/
-rwxrwxrwx  server:nfsgroup  /srv/nfs4/files/myfile.pdf

Now, I want to export the entire /srv/nfs4/ directory, which contains the bind-mounted files/, to the client. I have this entry in the server's /etc/exports:


Note in particular that the all_squash,anonuid=127,anongid=134 group of settings causes the client user 'client' to be recognized as 'nfsuser' in the 'nfsgroup' with regards to permissions.

After I export this using $ sudo exportfs -ra, I mount it to the root-level directory /nsffiles/ on the client using the command $ sudo mount -t nfs /nsffiles.

The result is that I can see the exported files/ directory within /nsffiles/ on the client. However, I cannot see its contents:

$ ls -Alhd /nsffiles/
drwxrwxr-x 8 client 134 4.0K Nov 14 20:37 /nsffiles/

$ ls -Alhd /nsffiles/files/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Nov 14 20:36 /nsffiles/files/

$ ls -Alh /nsffiles/files/
total 0

The fact that the NFS client can see the files/ directory at all indicates there's nothing fundamentally wrong with my NFS services or the local network. There's no firewall issues, and I shouldn't need to install any additional packages. Also, I previously had the NFS mount working perfectly under a slightly different folder structure (files/ was in a directory outside of home, for example), so I know the basics are fine in that regard.

I assume that the most likely cause of why it won't work now is a subtle ownership/permissions change between the previous setup and the current one. In particular, the mounted directory is

server side:    `/srv/nfs4/`    drwxrwxr-x  server:nfsgroup
client side:    `/nsffiles/`    drwxrwxr-x  client:134

The contained directory is

server side:    `/srv/nfs4/files/`    drwxrwxr-x  server:nfsgroup
client side:    `/nsffiles/files/`    drwxr-xr-x  root:root

That is, for the mounted directory, the permissions convert as server:nfsgroup -> client:134, which is expected. The permissions for the contained directory, however, convert as server:nfsgroup -> root:root. Why root:root and not client:134?

This ServerFault question sounds similar, but it concerns Windows, and I can't tell that the only answer applies.

This Unix.SE question concerns NFS file permissions for a Windows/Linux setup; all of the information I can glean from it is things I already know and think I've taken care of.

Please respond only if you know what you're talking about. If you can't resist posting a wild guess, please identify it as a wild guess. Or, you know, provide enough information that your reader can tell the difference.


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