
Connect to en /ext host of Fortinet VPN with Ubuntu

ru flag

I have used openfrotivpn many times but I have never been able to properly configure such a vpn in the network manager.

Unfortunately, now I have to connect to host [some ip]/ext (e.x. and i can't do that even via cli. It is possible only using 'original' FortiClient.

How should I configure my network manager in this case? I want to be able to quick connect with this vpn just like as selecting wi-fi network.

When I try to connect with it using cli, then openfortivpn throw an error.

# vpn.cfg
$ sudo openfortivpn -c vpn.cfg 
ERROR:  getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
INFO:   Closed connection to gateway.
ERROR:  connect: Connection refused
INFO:   Could not log out.

Additionaly in FortiClient GUI I have selected Do not Warn Invalid Server Certificate option.

lu flag

What you are trying to do is connecting to a specific realm, in your case ext

Add to your configuration realm = ext or run the openfortivpn utility with the --realm ext flag.

us flag

Similar problems with an URL as a host. I read some answers and the solution was put an IP instead the URL

us flag
I meant, "/ext" probably don't work
Piotr Płaczek avatar
ru flag
Nope. I've to use FortiClient app :/

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