
Setup a second Tomcat8 instance as a service in Windows

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I'm working with a Windows machine that is used for many production applications. There's already a Tomcat8 instance running as a service and located at C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat8.5 . I can't by any means edit anything (scripts, configuration parameters etc.) in this folder because it is not my application and I don't want to mess up what is already up and running. This Tomcat instance is running on port 8080 as a service on Windows.

I have created another Tomcat instance, this time having path C:\MyTomcatApp. I have set it up in order for it to run on port 8090. If I run it using the startup.bat script in the bin directory, it works perfectly fine. However, if I try to set it up as a service with the service.bat script, the moment I run the service it automatically runs the startup script in C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat8.5\bin and not the startup script of my Tomcat on the different path. I suspect this has something to do with the CATALINA_HOME variable, right?

I would like to install my Tomcat application as a service as well. What is the easiest way to do so? I only managed to find guides that would make me edit and move stuff for both Tomcat instances, but as I said I can only act on mine. I'm clearly missing some configuration steps. I will probably have to edit the other ports. After that, what do I have to do?


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