
How to hide that Nginx is a reverse proxy?

ro flag

Running the command nmap -A -sS, it was demonstrated that the server is Nginx and that it is used as a proxy. Is it possible to hide this information?

Command output: 80/tcp open http nginx (reverse proxy)

I am using Nginx 1.18.0. In my nginx.conf, I set the settings (Some non-security settings have been hidden. The "..." means that.):

load_module modules/;

user                 www-data;
pid                  /run/;
worker_processes     auto;
worker_rlimit_nofile 65535;

events {
    multi_accept       on;
    worker_connections 65535;

http {
     more_set_headers       'Server: none';
     server_tokens          off;

    # Connection header for WebSocket reverse proxy
    map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
        default upgrade;
        ""      close;

    # Load configs
    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
    include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;


djdomi avatar
za flag
and what should this protect you from what? nginx is by design a reverse proxy, so even you hide the word, it would not protect you from anything
campos avatar
ro flag
@djdomi The idea of hiding information about services comes from hardening studies. The smaller the amount of information, the more difficult it is to carry out an attack.
djdomi avatar
za flag
security by obscurity never worked in the past. So next argument why ypu want to do it? ;) `server_tokens off;` may be the function you are looking for. moreover if you running php remind for `expose_php = off`
br flag

Try removing more_set_headers directive and run Nmap again. I noticed that Nmap detects nginx as a reverse proxy when I set the directive in my nginx.conf file but failed to detect it as such when I commented out the directive.


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