
mariadb is not running after restart Openstack train

cn flag

I have a OpenStack train deployment with a single controller node. disk went full I deleted the cinder-volumes loop file after reboot nothing is working because all the services are unable to connect with mysql db. 2021-12-21 16:41:54.345 27 WARNING oslo_db.sqlalchemy.engines [req-c3a82c9d-d6be-42cd-b54a-a1258171c777 - - - - -] SQL connection failed. -709 attempts left.: oslo_db.exception.DBConnectionError: (pymysql.err.OperationalError) (2013, 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query')

i checked the mariadb container its giving me this error: ()[mysql@overcloud-controller-0 /]$ mysql ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (111)

in podman container logs for mariadb i am getting this:

  • sudo -E kolla_set_configs INFO:main:Loading config file at /var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json INFO:main:Validating config file INFO:main:Kolla config strategy set to: COPY_ALWAYS INFO:main:Copying service configuration files INFO:main:Deleting /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck INFO:main:Copying /var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/etc/sysconfig/clustercheck to /etc/sysconfig/clustercheck INFO:main:Deleting /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor INFO:main:Copying /var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor to /etc/xinetd.d/galera-monitor INFO:main:Deleting /etc/xinetd.conf INFO:main:Copying /var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/etc/xinetd.conf to /etc/xinetd.conf INFO:main:Writing out command to execute ++ cat /run_command
  • CMD='/usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork'
  • ARGS=
  • sudo kolla_copy_cacerts
  • [[ ! -n '' ]]
  • . kolla_extend_start ++ : /var/log/kolla/mariadb ++ [[ ! -d /var/log/kolla/mariadb ]] +++ stat -c %a /var/log/kolla/mariadb ++ [[ 2755 != \7\5\5 ]] ++ chmod 755 /var/log/kolla/mariadb ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]] ++ [[ -n '' ]]
  • echo 'Running command: '''/usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork'''' Running command: '/usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork'
  • exec /usr/sbin/xinetd -dontfork

looking forward to hear from you.

jp flag
The information provided doesn't show the state of your MariaDB.

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