History - 2010 Exch used to migrate all mailbox to O365 in 2013. Been 100% Exchange online since 2013. No mailboxes on prem, no shared mailboxes, no nothing. CAS attritubute set to Null. No SMTP. Nothing.
Everything synced from on-prem to O365 with ADConnect tool.
Exch2010 box was only used to create account because it allowed you to interact with Exch attributes in AD that the default ADUC UI doesn't, e.g., Hide from GAL, alias/proxy addresses/etc.
I decommission the 2010 server because EOL. Turned it off. Had helpdesk just use ADUC to create accounts. AD connect synced those accounts to O365, then assigned a license in O365 and moved on with life. I know this is technically unsupported, but worked.
Today - Helpdesk is crying about complexity of having to manage custom AD attributes for above mentioned features. They want a management GUI back. I've looked into 2016 hybrid, but everything I'm reading seems very convoluted. It's expecting there are mailboxes to migrate from on prem, or that CAS roles need to be configured for mailflox.
I just want a box that can manage the on-prem AD attritubtes with a gui, and then have ADconnect sync to O365. I don't want a real "hybrid" box I don't think. No mailboxes on prem. No mailflox on prem. MX records only point to O365 directly. I don't want any connectivity to this box. Just want to give my helpdesk a GUI they don't have today.
Any way to do this?